Package 'simPH'

Title: Simulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
Description: Simulates and plots quantities of interest (relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios) for linear coefficients, multiplicative interactions, polynomials, penalised splines, and non-proportional hazards, as well as stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazard models. It also simulates and plots marginal effects for multiplicative interactions. Methods described in Gandrud (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v065.i03>.
Authors: Christopher Gandrud [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Christopher Gandrud <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.3.13
Built: 2025-01-31 03:09:10 UTC

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Convert a coxsim class object into a data frame


Convert a coxsim class object into a data frame


## S3 method for class 'coxsim', ...)



a coxsim class object.


arguments to pass to data.frame.

A data set from Carpenter (2002).


A data set from Carpenter (2002).


A data set with 408 observations and 32 variables.


Carpenter, Daniel P. 2002. ”Groups, the Media, Agency Waiting Costs, and FDA Drug Approval.” American Journal of Political Science 46(3): 490-505.

Luke Keele, "Replication data for: Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards In Cox Models". doi:10.7910/DVN/VJAHRG. V1 [Version].

Simulate quantities of interest for linear multiplicative interactions from Cox Proportional Hazards models


coxsimInteract simulates quantities of interest for linear multiplicative interactions using multivariate normal distributions. These can be plotted with simGG.


  qi = "Marginal Effect",
  X1 = NULL,
  X2 = NULL,
  means = FALSE,
  expMarg = TRUE,
  nsim = 1000,
  ci = 0.95,
  spin = FALSE,
  extremesDrop = TRUE



a coxph class fitted model object with a linear multiplicative interaction.


character string of the first constitutive variable's name. Note b1 and b2 must be entered in the order in which they are entered into the coxph model.


character string of the second constitutive variable's name.


quantity of interest to simulate. Values can be "Marginal Effect", "First Difference", "Hazard Ratio", and "Hazard Rate". The default is qi = "Hazard Ratio". If qi = "Hazard Rate" and the coxph model has strata, then hazard rates for each strata will also be calculated.


numeric vector of fitted values of b1 to simulate for. If qi = "Marginal Effect" then only X2 can be set. If you want to plot the results, X1 should have more than one value.


numeric vector of fitted values of b2 to simulate for.


logical, whether or not to use the mean values to fit the hazard rate for covaraiates other than b1 b2 and b1*b2. Note: it does not currently support models that include polynomials created by I. Note: EXPERIMENTAL. lines are not currently supported in simGG if means = TRUE.


logical. Whether or not to exponentiate the marginal effect.


the number of simulations to run per value of X. Default is nsim = 1000.


the proportion of middle simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through 1 may be used.


logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for hazard rates.


logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of interest values that are Inf, NA, NaN and >1000000> 1000000 for spin = FALSE or >800> 800 for spin = TRUE. These values are difficult to plot simGG and may prevent spin from finding the central interval.


Simulates marginal effects, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates for linear multiplicative interactions. Marginal effects are calculated as in Brambor et al. (2006) with the addition that we take the exponent, so that it resembles a hazard ratio. You can choose not to take the exponent by setting the argument expMarg = FALSE. For an interaction between variables XX and ZZ the marginal effect for XX is:

MEX=e(βX+βXZZ)ME_{X} = e^(\beta_{X} + \beta_{XZ}Z)

Note that for First Differences the comparison is not between two values of the same variable but two values of the constitute variable and 0 for the two variables.


a siminteract class object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Brambor, Thomas, William Roberts Clark, and Matt Golder. 2006. ”Understanding Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses.” Political Analysis 14(1): 63-82.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ”Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ”Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.” Arvix.

See Also

simGG, survival, strata, and coxph,


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ lethal*prevgenx,
            data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Marginal Effect of lethal for multiple
# values of prevgenx
Sim1 <- coxsimInteract(M1, b1 = "lethal", b2 = "prevgenx",
                       X2 = seq(2, 115, by = 5), spin = TRUE)

## Not run: 
# Change the order of the covariates to make a more easily
# interpretable relative hazard graph.
M2 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx*lethal +
             orphdum, data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Hazard Ratio of lethal for multiple
# values of prevgenx
Sim2 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                    X1 = seq(2, 115, by = 2),
                    X2 = c(0, 1),
                    qi = "Hazard Ratio", ci = 0.9)

# Simulate First Difference
Sim3 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                       X1 = seq(2, 115, by = 2),
                       X2 = c(0, 1),
                       qi = "First Difference", spin = TRUE)

# Simulate Hazard Rate
Sim4 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                       X1 = 90, X2 = 1, qi = "Hazard Rate",
                       means = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

# Example with a categorical variable
# Download data

# Create category lables
hmohiv$drug <- factor(hmohiv$drug, labels = c('not treated', 'treated'))

M3 <- coxph(Surv(time,censor) ~ drug*age, data = hmohiv)

# Note: Use relevant coefficient name as shown in model summary, e.g.
# 'drugtreated'.
Sim5 <- coxsimInteract(M3, b1 = "drugtreated", b2 = 'age', X2 = 20:54)

Simulate quantities of interest for covariates from Cox Proportional Hazards models that are not interacted with time or nonlinearly transformed


Simulates relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates for linear, non-time interacted covariates from Cox Proportional Hazard models. These can be plotted with simGG.


  qi = "Relative Hazard",
  Xj = NULL,
  Xl = NULL,
  means = FALSE,
  nsim = 1000,
  ci = 0.95,
  spin = FALSE,
  extremesDrop = TRUE



a coxph class fitted model object.


character string name of the coefficient you would like to simulate.


quantity of interest to simulate. Values can be "Relative Hazard", "First Difference", "Hazard Ratio", and "Hazard Rate". The default is qi = "Relative Hazard". If qi = "Hazard Rate" and the coxph model has strata, then hazard rates for each strata will also be calculated.


numeric vector of fitted values for b to simulate for.


numeric vector of values to compare Xj to. Note if code = "Relative Hazard" only Xj is relevant.


logical, whether or not to use the mean values to fit the hazard rate for covaraiates other than b. Note: EXPERIMENTAL. lines are not currently supported in simGG if means = TRUE.


the number of simulations to run per value of X. Default is nsim = 1000. Note: it does not currently support models that include polynomials created by I.


the proportion of simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through 1 may be used.


logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for Hazard Rates.


logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of interest values that are Inf, NA, NaN and >1000000> 1000000 for spin = FALSE or >800> 800 for spin = TRUE. These values are difficult to plot simGG and may prevent spin from finding the central interval.


coxsimLinear simulates relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios for linear covariates that are not interacted with time or nonlinearly transformed from models estimated with coxph using the multivariate normal distribution. These can be plotted with simGG.


a simlinear, coxsim object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Licht, Amanda A. 2011. ”Change Comes with Time: Substantive Interpretation of Nonproportional Hazards in Event History Analysis.” Political Analysis 19: 227-43.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ”Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ”Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.” Arvix.

See Also

simGG.simlinear, survival, strata, and coxph


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal +
            deathrt1 + acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng +
            mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 + orphdum +
            vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 + condavg3 + orderent +
            stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Hazard Ratios
Sim1 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder",
                     Xj = c(1237, 1600),
                     Xl = c(1000, 1000),
                     qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                     spin = TRUE, ci = 0.99)

## Not run: 
# Simulate Hazard Rates
Sim2 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder",
                      Xj = 1237,
                      ci = 0.99)

## End(Not run)

Simulate quantities of interest for a range of values for a polynomial nonlinear effect from Cox Proportional Hazards models


coxsimPoly simulates quantities of interest for polynomial covariate effects estimated from Cox Proportional Hazards models. These can be plotted with simGG.


  b = NULL,
  qi = "Relative Hazard",
  pow = 2,
  Xj = NULL,
  Xl = NULL,
  nsim = 1000,
  ci = 0.95,
  spin = FALSE,
  extremesDrop = TRUE



a coxph class fitted model object with a polynomial coefficient. These can be plotted with simGG.


character string name of the coefficient you would like to simulate. To find the quantity of interest using only the polynomial and not the polynomial + the linear terms enter the polynomial created using I, e.g. I(natreg^2) as a string.


quantity of interest to simulate. Values can be "Relative Hazard", "First Difference", "Hazard Ratio", and "Hazard Rate". The default is qi = "Relative Hazard". If qi = "Hazard Rate" and the coxph model has strata, then hazard rates for each strata will also be calculated.


numeric polynomial used in coxph.


numeric vector of fitted values for b to simulate for.


numeric vector of values to compare Xj to. If NULL, then it is automatically set to 0.


the number of simulations to run per value of Xj. Default is nsim = 1000.


the proportion of simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through 1 may be used.


logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for hazard rates.


logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of interest values that are Inf, NA, NaN and >1000000> 1000000 for spin = FALSE or >800> 800 for spin = TRUE. These values are difficult to plot simGG and may prevent spin from finding the central interval.


Simulates quantities of interest for polynomial covariate effects. For example if a nonlinear effect is modeled with a second order polynomial–i.e. β1xi+β2xi2\beta_{1}x_{i} + \beta_{2}x_{i}^{2}–we can draw nn simulations from the multivariate normal distribution for both β1\beta_{1} and β2\beta_{2}. Then we simply calculate quantities of interest for a range of values and plot the results as before. For example, we find the first difference for a second order polynomial with:

%hi(t)=(eβ1xj1+β2xjl21)100\%\triangle h_{i}(t) = (\mathrm{e}^{\beta_{1}x_{j-1} + \beta_{2}x_{j-l}^{2}} - 1) * 100

where xjl=xjxlx_{j-l} = x_{j} - x_{l}.

Note, you must use I to create the polynomials.


a simpoly, coxsim object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Keele, Luke. 2010. ”Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards in Cox Models.” Political Analysis 18(2): 189-205.

Carpenter, Daniel P. 2002. ”Groups, the Media, Agency Waiting Costs, and FDA Drug Approval.” American Journal of Political Science 46(3): 490-505.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ”Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ”Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.” Arvix.

See Also

simGG.simpoly, survival, strata, and coxph


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal + deathrt1 +
            acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng + mandiz01 + femdiz01 +
            peddiz01 + orphdum + natreg + I(natreg^2) +
            I(natreg^3) + vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 +
            condavg3 + orderent + stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate simpoly First Difference
Sim1 <- coxsimPoly(M1, b = "natreg", qi = "First Difference",
                pow = 3, Xj = seq(1, 150, by = 5), nsim = 100)

## Not run: 
# Simulate simpoly Hazard Ratio with spin probibility interval
Sim2 <- coxsimPoly(M1, b = "natreg", qi = "Hazard Ratio",
              pow = 3, Xj = seq(1, 150, by = 5), spin = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Simulate quantities of interest for penalized splines from Cox Proportional Hazards models


coxsimSpline simulates quantities of interest from penalized splines using multivariate normal distributions.


  qi = "Relative Hazard",
  Xj = 1,
  Xl = 0,
  nsim = 1000,
  ci = 0.95,
  spin = FALSE,
  extremesDrop = TRUE



a coxph class fitted model object with a penalized spline. These can be plotted with simGG.


a character string of the full pspline call used in obj. It should be exactly the same as how you entered it in coxph.


a numeric vector of the splined variable's values.


quantity of interest to simulate. Values can be "Relative Hazard", "First Difference", "Hazard Ratio", and "Hazard Rate". The default is qi = "Relative Hazard". Think carefully before using qi = "Hazard Rate". You may be creating very many simulated values which can be very computationally intensive to do. Adjust the number of simulations per fitted value with nsim.


numeric vector of fitted values for b to simulate for.


numeric vector of values to compare Xj to. Note if qi = "Relative Hazard" or "Hazard Rate" only Xj is relevant.


the number of simulations to run per value of Xj. Default is nsim = 1000.


the proportion of simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through 1 may be used.


logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for hazard rates.


logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of interest values that are Inf, NA, NaN and >1000000> 1000000 for spin = FALSE or >800> 800 for spin = TRUE. These values are difficult to plot simGG and may prevent spin from finding the central interval.


Simulates relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates for penalized splines from Cox Proportional Hazards models. These can be plotted with simGG. A Cox PH model with one penalized spline is given by:


where g(x)g(x) is the penalized spline function. For our post-estimation purposes g(x)g(x) is basically a series of linearly combined coefficients such that:

g(x)=βk1(x)1++βk2(x)2++βk3(x)3+++βkn(x)n+g(x) = \beta_{k_{1}}(x)_{1+} + \beta_{k_{2}}(x)_{2+} + \beta_{k_{3}}(x)_{3+} + \ldots + \beta_{k_{n}}(x)_{n+}

where kk are the equally spaced spline knots with values inside of the range of observed xx and nn is the number of knots.

We can again draw values of each βk1,βkn\beta_{k_{1}},\: \ldots \beta_{k_{n}} from the multivariate normal distribution described above. We then use these simulated coefficients to estimates quantities of interest for a range covariate values. For example, the first difference between two values xjx_{j} and xlx_{l} is:

%hi(t)=(eg(xj)g(xl)1)100\%\triangle h_{i}(t) = (\mathrm{e}^{g(x_{j}) - g(x_{l})} - 1) * 100

FD(h[i](t)) = (exp(g(x[j]) - g(x[l])) - 1) * 100

Relative hazards and hazard ratios can be calculated by extension.

Currently coxsimSpline does not support simulating hazard rates form multiple stratified models.


a simspline object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Luke Keele, "Replication data for: Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards In Cox Models", 2010, doi:10.7910/DVN/VJAHRG V1 [Version].

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ”Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ”Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.” Arvix.

See Also

simGG, survival, strata, and coxph


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
# From Keele (2010) replication data
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~  prevgenx + lethal + deathrt1 +
           acutediz + hosp01  + pspline(hospdisc, df = 4) +
           pspline(hhosleng, df = 4) + mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 +
           orphdum + natreg + vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 +
           pspline(condavg3, df = 4) + pspline(orderent, df = 4) +
           pspline(stafcder, df = 4), data = CarpenterFdaData)

## Not run: 
# Simulate Relative Hazards for orderent
Sim1 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(stafcder, df = 4)",
                    bdata = CarpenterFdaData$stafcder,
                    qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                    Xj = seq(1100, 1700, by = 10),
                    Xl = seq(1099, 1699, by = 10), spin = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
# Simulate Hazard Rates for orderent
Sim2 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(orderent, df = 4)",
                       bdata = CarpenterFdaData$orderent,
                       qi = "Hazard Rate",
                       Xj = seq(2, 53, by = 3), nsim = 100)

Simulate time-interactive quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards models


coxsimtvc simulates time-interactive relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios from models estimated with coxph using the multivariate normal distribution. These can be plotted with simGG.


  qi = "Relative Hazard",
  Xj = NULL,
  Xl = NULL,
  tfun = "linear",
  pow = NULL,
  nsim = 1000,
  by = 1,
  ci = 0.95,
  spin = FALSE,
  extremesDrop = TRUE



a coxph fitted model object with a time interaction.


the non-time interacted variable's name.


the time interacted variable's name.


character string indicating what quantity of interest you would like to calculate. Can be 'Relative Hazard', 'First Difference', 'Hazard Ratio', 'Hazard Rate'. Default is qi = 'Relative Hazard'. If qi = 'First Difference' or qi = 'Hazard Ratio' then you can set Xj and Xl.


numeric vector of fitted values for b. Must be the same length as Xl or Xl must be NULL.


numeric vector of fitted values for Xl. Must be the same length as Xj. Only applies if qi = 'First Difference' or qi = 'Hazard Ratio'.


function of time that btvc was multiplied by. Default is "linear". It can also be "log" (natural log) and "power". If tfun = "power" then the pow argument needs to be specified also.


if tfun = "power", then use pow to specify what power the time interaction was raised to.


the number of simulations to run per point in time. Default is nsim = 1000.


point in time from when to begin simulating coefficient values


point in time to stop simulating coefficient values.


time intervals by which to simulate coefficient values.


the proportion of simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through 1 may be used.


logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for hazard rates.


logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of interest values that are Inf, NA, NaN and >1000000> 1000000 for spin = FALSE or >800> 800 for spin = TRUE. These values are difficult to plot simGG and may prevent spin from finding the central interval.


Simulates time-varying relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios using parameter estimates from coxph models. Can also simulate hazard rates for multiple strata.

Relative hazards are found using:

RH=eβ1+β2f(t)RH = e^{\beta_{1} + \beta_{2}f(t)}

where f(t)f(t) is the function of time.

First differences are found using:

FD=(e(XjXl)(β1+β2f(t))1)100FD = (e^{(X_{j} - X_{l}) (\beta_{1} + \beta_{2}f(t))} - 1) * 100

where XjX_{j} and XlX_{l} are some values of XX to contrast.

Hazard ratios are calculated using:

FD=e(XjXl)(β1+β2f(t))FD = e^{(X_{j} - X_{l}) (\beta_{1} + \beta_{2}f(t))}

When simulating non-stratifed time-varying harzards coxsimtvc uses the point estimates for a given coefficient β^x\hat{\beta}_{x} and its time interaction β^xt\hat{\beta}_{xt} along with the variance matrix (V^(β^)\hat{V}(\hat{\beta})) estimated from a coxph model. These are used to draw values of β1\beta_{1} and β2\beta_{2} from the multivariate normal distribution N(β^,V^(β^))N(\hat{\beta},\: \hat{V}(\hat{\beta})).

When simulating stratified time-varying hazard rates HH for a given strata kk, coxsimtvc uses:

Hkxt=β^k0teβ1^+β2f(t)H_{kxt} = \hat{\beta}_{k0t}e^{\hat{\beta_{1}} + \beta_{2}f(t)}

The resulting simulation values can be plotted using simGG.


a simtvc object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Golub, Jonathan, and Bernard Steunenberg. 2007. ”How Time Affects EU Decision-Making.” European Union Politics 8(4): 555-66.

Licht, Amanda A. 2011. ”Change Comes with Time: Substantive Interpretation of Nonproportional Hazards in Event History Analysis.” Political Analysis 19: 227-43.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ”Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ”Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.” Arvix.

See Also

simGG, survival, strata, and coxph


## Not run: 
# Load Golub & Steunenberg (2007) Data

# Load survival package

# Expand data (not run to speed processing time, but should be run)
GolubEUPData <- SurvExpand(GolubEUPData, GroupVar = 'caseno',
                     Time = 'begin', Time2 = 'end', event = 'event')

# Create time interactions
BaseVars <- c('qmv', 'backlog', 'coop', 'codec', 'qmvpostsea', 'thatcher')
GolubEUPData <- tvc(GolubEUPData, b = BaseVars, tvar = 'end', tfun = 'log')

# Run Cox PH Model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(begin, end, event) ~ qmv + qmvpostsea + qmvpostteu +
                coop + codec + eu9 + eu10 + eu12 + eu15 + thatcher +
                agenda + backlog + qmv_log + qmvpostsea_log + coop_log +
                codec_log + thatcher_log + backlog_log,
            data = GolubEUPData, ties = "efron")

# Create simtvc object for Relative Hazard
Sim1 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "qmv", btvc = "qmv_log",
                   tfun = "log", from = 80, to = 2000,
                   Xj = 1, by = 15, ci = 0.99, nsim = 100)

# Create simtvc object for First Difference
Sim2 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "qmv", btvc = "qmv_log",
                 qi = "First Difference", Xj = 1,
                 tfun = "log", from = 80, to = 2000,
                 by = 15, ci = 0.95)

# Create simtvc object for Hazard Ratio
Sim3 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "backlog", btvc = "backlog_log",
                  qi = "Hazard Ratio", Xj = c(191, 229),
                  Xl = c(0, 0),
                  tfun = "log", from = 80, to = 2000,
                  by = 15, ci = 0.5)

## End(Not run)

Graph fitted stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazards models


This function largely improves plot.survfit. It plots the curves using ggplot2 rather than base R graphics. One major advantage is the ability to split the survival curves into multiple plots and arrange them in a grid. This makes it easier to examine many strata at once. Otherwise they can be very bunched up.

Note: the strata legend labels need to be changed manually (see revalue) in the survfit object with the strata component.


  byStrata = FALSE,
  xlab = "",
  ylab = "",
  title = "",
  lcolour = "#2C7FB8",
  rcolour = "#2C7FB8"



a survfit object.


logical, whether or not you want to include all of the stratified survival curves on one plot or separate them into a grid arranged plot.


a label for the plot's x-axis


a label of the plot's y-axis


plot title.


line color. Currently only works if byStrata = TRUE. The default it lcolour = "#2C7FB8" (a bluish hexadecimal colour)


confidence bounds ribbon color. Either a single color or a vector of colours. The default it lcolour = "#2C7FB8" (a bluish hexadecimal colour)


ggfitStrata graphs fitted survival curves created with survfit using ggplot2.

See Also

survfit, ggplot2 and strata


# Load packages

# Subset data
bladder1 <- bladder[bladder$enum < 5, ]

# Estimate coxph model (note that this model is for code illustration only)
M1 <- coxph(Surv(stop, event) ~ (rx + size + number) + strata(enum) +
                cluster(id), bladder1)

# Find predicted values
M1Fit <- survfit(M1)

# Plot strata in a grid
ggfitStrata(M1Fit, byStrata = TRUE)

# Plot all in one
ggfitStrata(M1Fit, byStrata = FALSE)

A data set from Golub & Steunenberg (2007)


A data set from Golub & Steunenberg (2007)


A data set with 3001 observations and 17 variables.


Golub, Jonathan, and Bernard Steunenberg. 2007. ”How Time Affects EU Decision-Making.” European Union Politics 8(4): 555-66.

Amanda A. Licht, 2011, "Replication data for: Change Comes with Time". doi:10.7910/DVN/VJAHRG. IQSS Dataverse Network [Distributor] V3 [Version].

Simulated HIV patient data from UCLA IDRE


Simulated HIV patient data from UCLA IDRE




An object of class data.frame with 100 rows and 7 columns.



Transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the constricted intervals, as well as the lower and upper bounds of the middle 50 percent of the constricted intervals


MinMaxLines is an internal function to transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the intervals set by ci in the coxsim command, as well as the lower and upper bounds of the middle 50 percent of these intervals. It also returns the medians.


MinMaxLines(df, byVars = "Xj", hr = FALSE, strata = FALSE, clean = FALSE)



a data frame or a simulation class object.


character vector of the variables to subset the data frame by. The default is 'Xj'.


logical indicating whether or not df contains a hazard rate.


logical indicating whether or not df contains a stratified hazard rate.


logical, whether or not to clean up the output data frame to only include byVars, Min_CI, Lower50_CI, median, Upper50_CI, Max_CI.


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal +
           deathrt1 + acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng +
           mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 + orphdum +
           vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 + condavg3 + orderent +
           stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

 # Simulate Hazard Ratios
 Sim1 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder",
                      Xj = c(1237, 1600),
                      Xl = c(1000, 1000),
                      qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                      spin = TRUE, ci = 0.99)

# Find summary statistics of the constricted interval
Sum <- MinMaxLines(Sim1, clean = TRUE)

Create a sequence of Xl values


setXl creates a sequence of Xl values given a sequence of Xj values and a fixed difference.


setXl(Xj, diff = 1)



numeric vector of fitted values for the covariate of interest to simulate for.


numeric vector of length 1. It specifies the difference between Xj and Xl. Xl is always smaller than Xj.


a vector


# Set Xj
setXj = seq(1100, 1700, by = 10)

# Find Xl that are 1 less than Xj
setXl(Xj = setXj, diff = 1)

A method for plotting simulation objects created by simPH


simGG a method for ploting simulation objects created by simPH.


simGG(obj, ...)



an object created by one of simPH's simulation commands.


arguments to be passed to methods.


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

See Also

simGG.siminteract, simGG.simtvc, simGG.simlinear, simGG.simpoly, simGG.simspline


## Not run: 
 # Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ lethal*prevgenx,
            data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Marginal Effect of lethal for multiple
# values of prevgenx
Sim1 <- coxsimInteract(M1, b1 = "lethal", b2 = "prevgenx",
                       X2 = seq(2, 115, by = 5), spin = TRUE)

# Plot simulations

## End(Not run)

Plot simulated linear multiplicative interactions from Cox Proportional Hazards Models


simGG.siminteract uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from siminteract objects, including marginal effects, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates.


## S3 method for class 'siminteract'
  from = NULL,
  rug = TRUE,
  rug_position = "identity",
  to = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  method = "auto",
  spalette = "Set1",
  legend = "legend", = "",
  lcolour = "#2B8CBE",
  lsize = 1,
  pcolour = "#A6CEE3",
  psize = 1,
  alpha = 0.2,
  type = "ribbons",



a siminteract class object


numeric time to start the plot from. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


logical indicating whether or not to include a rug plot showing the distribution of values in the sample used to estimate the coxph model. Only relevant when the quantity of interest is not "Hazard Rate".


character string. The position adjustment to use for overlapping points in the rug plot. Use "jitter" to jitter the points.


numeric time to plot to. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


a label for the plot's x-axis.


a label of the plot's y-axis. The default uses the value of qi.


the plot's main title.


what type of smoothing method to use to summarize the center of the simulation distribution.


colour palette for when there are multiple sets of comparisons to plot. Not relevant for qi = "Marginal Effect". Default palette is "Set1". See scale_colour_brewer.


specifies what type of legend to include (if applicable). The default is legend = "legend". To hide the legend use legend = FALSE. See the discrete_scale for more details.

name of the legend (if applicable).


character string colour of the smoothing line. The default is hexadecimal colour lcolour = '#2B8CBE'. Only relevant if qi = "Marginal Effect".


size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See ggplot2.


character string colour of the simulated points or ribbons (when there are not multiple sets of simulations). Default is hexadecimal colour pcolour = '#A6CEE3'.


size of the plotted simulation points. Default is psize = 1. See ggplot2.


numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the points, lines, or ribbons. Default is alpha = 0.2. See ggplot2. Note, if type = "lines" or type = "points" then alpah sets the maximum value per line or point at the center of the distribution. Lines or points further from the center are more transparent the further they get from the middle.


character string. Specifies how to plot the simulations. Can be points, lines, or ribbons. If points then each simulation value will be plotted. If lines is chosen then each simulation is plotted using a different line. Note: any simulation with a value along its length that is outside of the specified central interval will be dropped. This is to create a smooth plot. If type = "ribbons" a plot will be created with shaded areas ('ribbons') for the minimum and maximum simulation values (i.e. the middle interval set with qi in coxsimSpline) as well as the central 50 percent of this area. It also plots a line for the median value of the full area, so values in method are ignored. One of the key advantages of using ribbons rather than points is that it creates plots with smaller file sizes.


Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from siminteract objects, including marginal effects, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates. If there are multiple strata, the quantities of interest will be plotted in a grid by strata.

Note: A dotted line is created at y = 1 (0 for first difference), i.e. no effect, for time-varying hazard ratio graphs. No line is created for hazard rates.

Note: if qi = "Hazard Ratio" or qi = "First Difference" then you need to have choosen more than one fitted value for X1 in coxsimInteract.


a gg ggplot class object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Brambor, Thomas, William Roberts Clark, and Matt Golder. 2006. ”Understanding Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses.” Political Analysis 14(1): 63-82.

Keele, Luke. 2010. ”Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards in Cox Models.” Political Analysis 18(2): 189-205.

Carpenter, Daniel P. 2002. ”Groups, the Media, Agency Waiting Costs, and FDA Drug Approval.” American Journal of Political Science 46(3): 490-505.

See Also

coxsimInteract, simGG.simlinear, and ggplot2


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ lethal*prevgenx,
            data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Marginal Effect of lethal for multiple values of prevgenx
Sim1 <- coxsimInteract(M1, b1 = "lethal", b2 = "prevgenx",
                     X2 = seq(2, 115, by = 2), nsim = 100)

# Plot quantities of interest
simGG(Sim1, rug_position = 'jitter')

## Not run: 
# Change the order of the covariates to make a more easily
# interpretable hazard ratio graph.
M2 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx*lethal,
             data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Hazard Ratio of lethal for multiple values of prevgenx
Sim2 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                    X1 = seq(2, 115, by = 2),
                    X2 = c(0, 1),
                    qi = "Hazard Ratio", ci = 0.9)

# Simulate First Difference
Sim3 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                       X1 = seq(2, 115, by = 2),
                       X2 = c(0, 1),
                       qi = "First Difference", spin = TRUE)

# Simulate Hazard Rate
Sim4 <- coxsimInteract(M2, b1 = "prevgenx", b2 = "lethal",
                       X1 = 100, X2 = 1, qi = "Hazard Rate")

# Plot quantities of interest
simGG(Sim1, xlab = "\nprevgenx",
       ylab = "Marginal Effect of lethal\n")
simGG(Sim2, type = 'ribbons', rug_position = 'jitter')
simGG(Sim4, to = 150, type = 'lines', legend = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Plot simulated linear, non-time interacted quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards Models


simGG.simlinear uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from simlinear objects, including relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates.


## S3 method for class 'simlinear'
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  rug = TRUE,
  rug_position = "identity",
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  method = "auto",
  spalette = "Set1",
  legend = "legend", = "",
  lcolour = "#2B8CBE",
  lsize = 1,
  pcolour = "#A6CEE3",
  psize = 1,
  alpha = 0.2,
  type = "ribbons",



a simlinear class object.


numeric time to start the plot from. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


numeric time to plot to. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


logical indicating whether or not to include a rug plot showing the distribution of values in the sample used to estimate the coxph model. Only relevant when the quantity of interest is not "Hazard Rate".


character string. The position adjustment to use for overlapping points in the rug plot. Use "jitter" to jitter the points.


a label for the plot's x-axis.


a label of the plot's y-axis. The default uses the value of qi.


the plot's main title.


what type of smoothing method to use to summarize the center of the simulation distribution.


colour palette for when there are multiple sets of comparisons to plot. Default palette is "Set1". See scale_colour_brewer.


specifies what type of legend to include (if applicable). The default is legend = "legend". To hide the legend use legend = FALSE. See the discrete_scale for more details.

name of the legend (if applicable).


character string colour of the smoothing line. The default is hexadecimal colour lcolour = '#2B8CBE'. Only relevant if qi = "First Difference".


size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See ggplot2.


character string colour of the simulated points or ribbons (when there are not multiple sets of simulations). Default is hexadecimal colour pcolour = '#A6CEE3'.


size of the plotted simulation points. Default is psize = 1. See ggplot2.


numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the points, lines, or ribbons. Default is alpha = 0.2. See ggplot2. Note, if type = "lines" or type = "points" then alpah sets the maximum value per line or point at the center of the distribution. Lines or points further from the center are more transparent the further they get from the middle.


character string. Specifies how to plot the simulations. Can be points, lines, or ribbons. If points then each simulation value will be plotted. If lines is chosen then each simulation is plotted using a different line. Note: any simulation with a value along its length that is outside of the specified central interval will be dropped. This is to create a smooth plot. If type = "ribbons" a plot will be created with shaded areas ('ribbons') for the minimum and maximum simulation values (i.e. the middle interval set with qi in coxsimSpline) as well as the central 50 percent of this area. It also plots a line for the median value of the full area, so values in method are ignored. One of the key advantages of using ribbons rather than points is that it creates plots with smaller file sizes.


Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from simlinear objects, including relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates. If there are multiple strata, the quantities of interest will be plotted in a grid by strata. Note: A dotted line is created at y = 1 (0 for first difference), i.e. no effect, for time-varying hazard ratio graphs. No line is created for hazard rates.


a gg ggplot class object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Licht, Amanda A. 2011. ”Change Comes with Time: Substantive Interpretation of Nonproportional Hazards in Event History Analysis.” Political Analysis 19: 227-43.

Keele, Luke. 2010. ”Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards in Cox Models.” Political Analysis 18(2): 189-205.

Carpenter, Daniel P. 2002. ”Groups, the Media, Agency Waiting Costs, and FDA Drug Approval.” American Journal of Political Science 46(3): 490-505.

See Also

coxsimLinear, simGG.simtvc, and ggplot2


# Load survival package
# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Estimate basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal +
            deathrt1 + acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng +
            mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 + orphdum +
            vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 + condavg3 + orderent +
            stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate and plot Hazard Ratios for stafcder variable
Sim1 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder",
                     Xj = c(1237, 1600),
                     Xl = c(1000, 1000),
                     qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                     spin = TRUE, ci = 0.99)
simGG(Sim1, method = 'lm', rug_position = 'jitter')
simGG(Sim1, rug_position = 'jitter')

## Not run: 
# Simulate and plot Hazard Rate for stafcder variable
Sim2 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder", nsim = 100,
                      qi = "Hazard Rate",
                      Xj = c(1237, 1600))
simGG(Sim2, type = 'points')
simGG(Sim2, type = 'lines')

## End(Not run)

Plot simulated polynomial quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards Models


simGG.simpoly uses ggplot2 to plot simulated relative quantities of interest from a simpoly class object.


## S3 method for class 'simpoly'
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  rug = TRUE,
  rug_position = "identity",
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  method = "auto",
  spalette = "Set1",
  legend = "legend", = "",
  lcolour = "#2B8CBE",
  lsize = 1,
  pcolour = "#A6CEE3",
  psize = 1,
  alpha = 0.2,
  type = "ribbons",



a simpoly class object.


numeric time to start the plot from. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


numeric time to plot to. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


logical indicating whether or not to include a rug plot showing the distribution of values in the sample used to estimate the coxph model. Only relevant when the quantity of interest is not "Hazard Rate".


character string. The position adjustment to use for overlapping points in the rug plot. Use "jitter" to jitter the points.


a label for the plot's x-axis.


a label of the plot's y-axis. The default uses the value of qi.


the plot's main title.


what type of smoothing method to use to summarize the center of the simulation distribution.


colour palette for when there are multiple sets of comparisons to plot. Default palette is "Set1". See scale_colour_brewer.


specifies what type of legend to include (if applicable). The default is legend = "legend". To hide the legend use legend = FALSE. See the discrete_scale for more details.

name of the legend (if applicable).


character string colour of the smoothing line. The default is hexadecimal colour lcolour = '#2B8CBE'. Only relevant if qi = "First Difference".


size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See ggplot2.


character string colour of the simulated points or ribbons (when there are not multiple sets of simulations). Default is hexadecimal colour pcolour = '#A6CEE3'.


size of the plotted simulation points. Default is psize = 1. See ggplot2.


numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the points, lines, or ribbons. Default is alpha = 0.2. See ggplot2. Note, if type = "lines" or type = "points" then alpah sets the maximum value per line or point at the center of the distribution. Lines or points further from the center are more transparent the further they get from the middle.


character string. Specifies how to plot the simulations. Can be points, lines, or ribbons. If points then each simulation value will be plotted. If lines is chosen then each simulation is plotted using a different line. Note: any simulation with a value along its length that is outside of the specified central interval will be dropped. This is to create a smooth plot. If type = "ribbons" a plot will be created with shaded areas ('ribbons') for the minimum and maximum simulation values (i.e. the middle interval set with qi in coxsimSpline) as well as the central 50 percent of this area. It also plots a line for the median value of the full area, so values in method are ignored. One of the key advantages of using ribbons rather than points is that it creates plots with smaller file sizes.


Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from simpoly objects.


a gg ggplot class object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

See Also

coxsimPoly and ggplot2


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal +
       deathrt1 + acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng + mandiz01 +
       femdiz01 + peddiz01 + orphdum + natreg +
       I(natreg^2) + I(natreg^3) + vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 +
       condavg3 + orderent + stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate simpoly First Difference
Sim1 <- coxsimPoly(M1, b = "natreg", qi = "First Difference",
           pow = 3, Xj = seq(1, 150, by = 5), nsim = 100)

# Plot simulations
simGG(Sim1, rug_position = 'jitter')

## Not run: 
# Simulate simpoly Hazard Ratio with spin probibility interval
Sim2 <- coxsimPoly(M1, b = "natreg", qi = "Hazard Ratio",
          pow = 3, Xj = seq(1, 150, by = 5), spin = TRUE,
          nsim = 100)

# Plot simulations
simGG(Sim2, type = 'ribbons', rug_position = 'jitter')

Sim3 <- coxsimPoly(M1, b = "natreg", qi = "Hazard Rate",
           pow = 3, Xj = c(1, 150), nsim = 100)

# Plot simulations
simGG(Sim3, type = 'lines')

## End(Not run)

Plot simulated penalised spline hazards from Cox Proportional Hazards Models


simGG.simspline uses ggplot2 to plot quantities of interest from simspline objects, including relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates.


## S3 method for class 'simspline'
  SmoothSpline = TRUE,
  FacetTime = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  rug = TRUE,
  rug_position = "identity",
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  zlab = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  method = "auto",
  lcolour = "#2B8CBE",
  lsize = 1,
  pcolour = "#A6CEE3",
  psize = 1,
  alpha = 0.2,
  type = "ribbons",



a simspline class object


logical whether or not to fit the simulations with smoothing splines. Creates a smoother plot. See smooth.spline for more information. Note: currently the degrees of freedom are set at 10.


a numeric vector of points in time where you would like to plot Hazard Rates in a facet grid. Only relevant if qi == 'Hazard Rate'. Note: the values of Facet Time must exactly match values of the time element of obj.


numeric time to start the plot from. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


numeric time to plot to. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate".


logical indicating whether or not to include a rug plot showing the distribution of values in the sample used to estimate the coxph model. Only relevant when the quantity of interest is not "Hazard Rate".


character string. The position adjustment to use for overlapping points in the rug plot. Use "jitter" to jitter the points.


a label for the plot's x-axis.


a label of the plot's y-axis. The default uses the value of qi.


a label for the plot's z-axis. Only relevant if qi = "Hazard Rate" and FacetTime == NULL.


the plot's main title.


what type of smoothing method to use to summarize the center of the simulation distribution.


character string colour of the smoothing line. The default is hexadecimal colour lcolour = '#2B8CBE'. Only relevant if qi = "Relative Hazard" or qi = "First Difference".


size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See ggplot2.


character string colour of the simulated points or ribbons (when there are not multiple sets of simulations). Default is hexadecimal colour pcolour = '#A6CEE3'. Only relevant if qi = "Relative Hazard" or qi = "First Difference" or qi = "Hazard Rate" with facets.


size of the plotted simulation points. Default is psize = 1. See ggplot2.


numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the points, lines, or ribbons. Default is alpha = 0.2. See ggplot2. Note, if type = "lines" or type = "points" then alpah sets the maximum value per line or point at the center of the distribution. Lines or points further from the center are more transparent the further they get from the middle.


character string. Specifies how to plot the simulations. Can be points, lines, or ribbons. If points then each simulation value will be plotted. If lines is chosen then each simulation is plotted using a different line. Note: any simulation with a value along its length that is outside of the specified central interval will be dropped. This is to create a smooth plot. If type = "ribbons" a plot will be created with shaded areas ('ribbons') for the minimum and maximum simulation values (i.e. the middle interval set with qi in coxsimSpline) as well as the central 50 percent of this area. It also plots a line for the median value of the full area, so values in method are ignored. One of the key advantages of using ribbons rather than points is that it creates plots with smaller file sizes.


Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Uses ggplot2 to plot the quantities of interest from simspline objects, including relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates. If currently does not support hazard rates for multiple strata.

You can to plot hazard rates for a range of values of Xj in two dimensional plots at specific points in time. Each plot is arranged in a facet grid.

Note: A dotted line is created at y = 1 (0 for first difference), i.e. no effect, for time-varying hazard ratio graphs. No line is created for hazard rates.


a gg ggplot class object.


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

See Also

coxsimLinear, simGG.simtvc, ggplot2


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
# From Keele (2010) replication data
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~  prevgenx + lethal + deathrt1 +
                acutediz + hosp01  + pspline(hospdisc, df = 4) +
                pspline(hhosleng, df = 4) + mandiz01 + femdiz01 +
                peddiz01 + orphdum + natreg + vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 +
                pspline(condavg3, df = 4) + pspline(orderent, df = 4) +
                pspline(stafcder, df = 4), data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Relative Hazards for orderent
Sim1 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(stafcder, df = 4)",
                    bdata = CarpenterFdaData$stafcder,
                    qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                    Xj = seq(1100, 1700, by = 10),
                    Xl = seq(1099, 1699, by = 10), spin = TRUE, nsim = 100)

# Plot relative hazard
simGG(Sim1, alpha = 0.5)

## Not run: 
# Simulate Hazard Rate for orderent
Sim2 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(orderent, df = 4)",
                    bdata = CarpenterFdaData$orderent,
                    qi = "Hazard Rate",
                    Xj = seq(1, 30, by = 2), ci = 0.9, nsim = 10)

# Create a time grid plot
# Find all points in time where baseline hazard was found

# Round time values so they can be exactly matched with FacetTime
Sim2$sims$Time <- round(Sim2$sims$Time, digits = 2)

# Create plot
simGG(Sim2, FacetTime = c(6.21, 25.68, 100.64, 202.36),
       type = 'ribbons', alpha = 0.5)

# Simulated Fitted Values of stafcder
Sim3 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(stafcder, df = 4)",
                    bdata = CarpenterFdaData$stafcder,
                    qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                    Xj = seq(1100, 1700, by = 10),
                    Xl = seq(1099, 1699, by = 10), ci = 0.90)

# Plot simulated Hazard Ratios
simGG(Sim3, xlab = "\nFDA Drug Review Staff", type = 'lines', alpha = 0.2)
simGG(Sim3, xlab = "\nFDA Drug Review Staff", alpha = 0.2,
      SmoothSpline = TRUE, type = 'points')

## End(Not run)

Plot simulated time-interactive hazard ratios or stratified time-interactive hazard rates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models


simGG.simtvc uses ggplot2 to plot the simulated hazards from a simtvc class object created by coxsimtvc using ggplot2.


## S3 method for class 'simtvc'
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  method = "auto",
  spalette = "Set1",
  legend = "legend", = "",
  lsize = 1,
  psize = 1,
  alpha = 0.2,
  type = "ribbons",



a simtvc class object


numeric time to start the plot from.


numeric time to plot to.


a label for the plot's x-axis.


a label of the plot's y-axis. The default uses the value of qi.


the plot's main title.


what type of smoothing method to use to summarize the center of the simulation distribution.


colour palette for when there are multiple sets of comparisons to plot. Default palette is "Set1". See scale_colour_brewer.


specifies what type of legend to include (if applicable). The default is legend = "legend". To hide the legend use legend = FALSE. See the discrete_scale for more details.

name of the legend (if applicable).


size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See ggplot2.


size of the plotted simulation points. Default is psize = 1. See ggplot2.


numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the points, lines, or ribbons. Default is alpha = 0.2. See ggplot2. Note, if type = "lines" or type = "points" then alpah sets the maximum value per line or point at the center of the distribution. Lines or points further from the center are more transparent the further they get from the middle.


character string. Specifies how to plot the simulations. Can be points, lines, or ribbons. If points then each simulation value will be plotted. If lines is chosen then each simulation is plotted using a different line. Note: any simulation with a value along its length that is outside of the specified central interval will be dropped. This is to create a smooth plot. If type = "ribbons" a plot will be created with shaded areas ('ribbons') for the minimum and maximum simulation values (i.e. the middle interval set with qi in coxsimSpline) as well as the central 50 percent of this area. It also plots a line for the median value of the full area, so values in method are ignored. One of the key advantages of using ribbons rather than points is that it creates plots with smaller file sizes.


Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Plots either a time-interactive hazard ratios, first differences, and relative hazards, or the hazard rates for multiple strata. Currently the strata legend labels need to be changed manually (see revalue in the plyr package) in the simtvc object with the strata component. Also, currently the x-axis tick marks and break labels must be adjusted manually for non-linear functions of time. Note: A dotted line is created at y = 1 (0 for first difference), i.e. no effect, for time-varying hazard ratio graphs. No line is created for hazard rates.


a gg ggplot class object


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Licht, Amanda A. 2011. ”Change Comes with Time: Substantive Interpretation of Nonproportional Hazards in Event History Analysis.” Political Analysis 19: 227-43.


## Not run: 
# Load Golub & Steunenberg (2007) Data

# Load survival package

# Expand data
GolubEUPData <- SurvExpand(GolubEUPData, GroupVar = 'caseno',
                     Time = 'begin', Time2 = 'end', event = 'event')

# Create time interactions
BaseVars <- c('qmv', 'backlog', 'coop', 'codec', 'qmvpostsea', 'thatcher')
GolubEUPData <- tvc(GolubEUPData, b = BaseVars, tvar = 'end', tfun = 'log')

# Run Cox PH Model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(begin, end, event) ~ qmv + qmvpostsea + qmvpostteu +
                coop + codec + eu9 + eu10 + eu12 + eu15 + thatcher +
                agenda + backlog + qmv_log + qmvpostsea_log + coop_log +
                codec_log + thatcher_log + backlog_log,
            data = GolubEUPData, ties = "efron")

# Create simtvc object for Relative Hazard
Sim1 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "qmv", btvc = "qmv_log",
                   tfun = "log", from = 80, to = 2000,
                   Xj = 1, by = 15, ci = 0.99, nsim = 100)

# Create plot
simGG(Sim1, legend = FALSE)

# Create simtvc object for First Difference
Sim2 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "qmv", btvc = "qmv_log",
                 qi = "First Difference", Xj = 1,
                 tfun = "log", from = 80, to = 2000,
                 by = 15, ci = 0.95)

# Create simtvc object for Hazard Ratio
Sim3 <- coxsimtvc(obj = M1, b = "backlog", btvc = "backlog_log",
                  qi = "Hazard Ratio", Xj = c(191, 229),
                  Xl = c(0, 0),
                  tfun = "log", from = 100, to = 2000,
                  by = 15, ci = 0.99)

# Create plots
simGG(Sim2, type = 'points')
simGG(Sim3, = "Comparision", from = 1200, type = 'lines')

## End(Not run)

An R package for simulating and plotting quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazard models.


An R package for simulating and plotting quantities of interest (relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios) for linear coefficients, multiplicative interactions, polynomials, penalised splines, and non-proportional hazards, as well as stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazard models.

The package includes the following simulation functions:

  • coxsimLinear: a function for simulating relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates for linear, non-time interacted covariates from Cox Proportional Hazard (coxph) models.

  • coxsimtvc: a function for simulating time-interactive hazards (relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios) for covariates from Cox Proportional Hazard models. The function will calculate time-interactive hazard ratios for multiple strata estimated from a stratified Cox Proportional Hazard model.

  • coxsimSpline: a function for simulating quantities of interest from penalised splines using multivariate normal distributions. Currently does not support simulating hazard rates from stratified models. Note: be extremely careful about the number of simulations you ask the function to find. It is very easy to ask for more than your computer can handle.

  • coxsimPoly: a function for simulating quantities of interest for a range of values for a polynomial nonlinear effect from Cox Proportional Hazard models.

  • coxsimInteract: a function for simulating quantities of interest for linear multiplicative interactions, including marginal effects and hazard rates.

Results from these functions can be plotted using the simGG method.

The package also includes two functions that make it easier to create time interactions:

  • SurvExpand: a function to convert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous observations into equal interval continuous observations.

  • tvc: a function to create time interaction variables that can be used in a coxph model (or any other model with time interactions).

  • setXl: a function for setting valid Xl values given a sequence of fitted Xj values. This makes it more intituitive to find hazard ratios and first differences for comparisons between some XjXj fitted values and XlXl values other than 0.


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

Convert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous observations into equal interval continuous observations


SurvExpand convert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous observations into equal interval continuous observations. This is useful for creating time-interactions with tvc.


  PartialData = TRUE,
  messages = TRUE



a data frame.


a character string naming the unit grouping variable.


a character string naming the variable with the interval start time.


a character string naming the variable with the interval end time.


a character string naming the event variable. Note: must be numeric with 0 indicating no event.


logical indicating whether or not to keep only the expanded data required to find the Cox partial likelihood.


logical indicating if you want messages returned while the function is working.


The function primarily prepares data from the creation of accurate time-interactions with the tvc command. Note: the function will work best if your original time intervals are recorded in whole numbers. It also currently does not support repeated events data.


Returns a data frame where observations have been expanded into equally spaced time intervals.


Gandrud, Christopher. 2015. simPH: An R Package for Illustrating Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazard Models Including for Interactive and Nonlinear Effects. Journal of Statistical Software. 65(3)1-20.

See Also



# Load Golub & Steunenberg (2007) Data

GolubEUPData <- GolubEUPData[1:500, ]

# Expand data
GolubEUPDataExpand <- SurvExpand(GolubEUPData, GroupVar = 'caseno',
                       Time = 'begin', Time2 = 'end', event = 'event')

Create a time interaction variable


tvc creates a time interaction variable that can be used in a coxph model (or any other model with time interactions)


tvc(data, b, tvar, tfun = "linear", pow = NULL, vector = FALSE)



a data frame


the non-time interacted variable's name. Either a single value or a vector of variable names can be entered.


the time variable's name


function of time that btvc was multiplied by. Default is tfun = "linear". Can also be tfun = 'log' (natural log) and tfun = 'power'. If tfun = 'power' then the pow argument needs to be specified also.


if tfun = 'power', then use pow to specify what power to raise the time interaction to.


logical. Whether or not to return one vector a or a data frame. Can only be used if only one b is included.


Interacts a variable with a specified function of time. Possible functions of time include 'linear', natural 'log', and exponentiated ('power').


a data frame or vector. If a data frame is returned it will include all of the original variables as well as the interactions denoted by a variable name 'bn_tfun', where bn is one variable name from b and tfun as entered into the function.

See Also

SurvExpand, simGG.simtvc, coxsimtvc, survival, and coxph


# Load Golub & Steunenberg (2007) Data

GolubEUPData <- GolubEUPData[1:500, ]

# Expand data into equally spaced time intervals
GolubEUPData <- SurvExpand(GolubEUPData, GroupVar = 'caseno',
                  Time = 'begin', Time2 = 'end', event = 'event')

# Create natural log time interaction with the qmv variable
GolubEUPData$Lqmv <- tvc(GolubEUPData, b = 'qmv', tvar = 'end', tfun = 'log',
                         vector = TRUE)

# Create interactions for a vector of variables
BaseVars <- c('qmv', 'backlog', 'coop', 'codec', 'qmvpostsea', 'thatcher')

Test <- tvc(GolubEUPData, b = BaseVars, tvar = 'end', tfun = 'log')